Thank you for visiting the AFCC website. Please sign our guestbook and post your message!

From on 2004-12-03 13:09:21:

78/79 . bac . souvenirs...

From on 2004-12-01 15:07:42:

nice site

From on 2004-09-29 12:08:29:

Hi everyone i was a student in 1980-1981 and i am desperatly looking for my friends de l'epoque...!

From on 2004-09-14 21:17:41:

Beware of nigerians offering
The person who signs message boards around the world mugu mugu...Is also the person who sends out that crappy nigerian scam letter. So if you get that crappy nigerian scam letter hit the delete This message also makes it easy for them to come back next week for fresh emails...

I found your message board ????
google search mugu mugu

From on 2004-09-13 19:17:54:

A very nice site keep it up but i don land here oooo

From on 2004-08-22 16:36:18:


From on 2004-08-13 10:37:44:

5 années inoubliables, le cadre était vraiment sympa, les gens cools pour la plupart, un brassage de nationalité et de culture difficile de trouver ailleurs.

From on 2004-07-23 14:31:40:


From on 2004-07-21 19:21:21:


From on 2004-07-21 08:50:03:

interracial gay

From on 2004-07-16 05:23:49:

I love this site, keep it up

From on 2004-07-15 23:25:53:

I love that picture on the guestbook page. Love the site too! Thanks!

From on 2004-06-28 16:54:39:

LETTER TO A FRIEND, slightly "adapted"


my mail was a bit "quickly done". So, as usual, I forgot a few points.

I think very often about my years at the Cévenol. I have done so many different jobs there! I was there as a student and got my Bacclauréat, as an educator, as a teacher in summer and finally as a camper. I spent 8 years there. So I can pretend to know its history, its structures (or what they should be), and somehow I'm part of it. It's not that I would be in love with the Cévenol, but I feel a deep respect for what has been done and reached in the first 50 years of its existence. And, when I take a look at the world, I say to myself that places like that are badly needed.

By chance or because they were able to listen to the poetry of the world (we'll never know!), Trocmé and Théis have chosen a fortunate place, full of magic and that specific feeling of being for a short moment out of time and a little bit nearer to God. And I'm serious with that! I could write an essay about so many moments of grace and fortune while working...

So it wouldn't fit if I said that I'm just sad to see the place in such a bad state. I'm shocked. The answer to that problem is not only money. The right persons, persons who are able to continue in an adequate modern way what was started in the late 1930ies must be missing.

I wonder if the group in charge right now is in love with a strange and very personal taste of power. They maybe love to surround themselves with the prestige of former years and maybe are, as a consequence, blind for what has really to be done? That would be easy to explain. Then they need help.
Power! Who would care about a director of a small boarding school somewhere in France!? But I wonder...

From my own experience I can tell that it's dangerous to grow up in the Cévenol and to stay there. In such a situation it's just impossible not to be tempted by that "now it's my turn"-atmosphere. One cannot succeed if he has not learned or tested their skills somewhere in the rest of the world.

In my job, I'm grateful for what I have learned over there. I would not have survived in my profession without it. Here around nobody knows where I learned my professional abilities, because I just can't explain it. Of course there are my african years, my years on university, my german years of hard work and modernisation. But my convictions are from the Cévenol, it's a unique and authentic place. Germany is a machine: it works, but it doesn't live. That's, of course a simplified point of view.

Three or four weeks ago we commemorated its 65th birthday. It was all organized by the alumnae. They contacted everybody, they invited, they paid for the bands who came to play. The school itself did not much to help, or nothing. Some members of the staff helped a lot in their free time. We took care of picking up every little waste, so that no one could make the reproach of misusing the Cévenol. A group of students helped and played/sang in one of the bands, too. So the generations did get in touch.
When everybody saw that the commemoration was a success, members of the board and the headmaster appeared sometimes to say hello during the three days. But they did not welcome us in some "official" way. And the president of the board did not even introduce herself in the beginning of the "culte" at salle F. Lods.

I saw that the spirit was scratched and damaged, but it's not broken. So I still hope. But the financial situation can only be a desaster.

I have tried to analyse the situation from here. I know nothing about the Cévenols bank-account. But I guess that it still has to pay back the new housings, and that aprx. 70-75 boarding students can of course not enough to have a solid basis. Many houses seem to have been sold already. Those that remain just look bad: I guess that the Cévenol has just the money to care for security, but nor for the rest. So some corners of the campus look like a slum (just have a look at Modzanga and its phone booth!), buildings look dirty, it rains in the sport hall.

But I analysed the general project. It's talking, referring to the past, claiming intentions without saying how they want to reach their goals. Theoreticals are mixed up with working methods, history and educational goals. There is no structured thinking about how to give a modern shape to the protestant philosophy. No thinking about what new ways could be taken to respond to the needs of today's world in a Cévenol's way. I saw young guys who could be students walking qietly towards the village around midnight and not caring of being seen. And I asked myself what today's Collège Cévenol stands really for.

So, to quieten myself, I write down how we would respond to such a situation in "my" place in Germany. It helps me, it will not help the Cévenol.

OK, that's not what I wanted to write about, but it's said now. I just wanted to tell you that I do think very often about you all and that I remind you as exeptionally warm-hearted persons who were able to share what we had there. You were right, there was magic, too. But there was someting of value: different poeple from different nations succeeded in building those important bridges once more. And that's a goal I'm still eager to work for.

Greetings and hugs!


From on 2004-06-15 05:05:00:

Hi everyone great website keep it up.
regards to all.
old student 85 87.
God Bless u all,

From on 2004-05-27 16:51:01:

Quelqu'un a-t-il des nouvelles de David Martin, ancien élève et ancien pion pendant des années. Surtout les années 80, je crois bien... :-)

Salut à tous!

From on 2004-05-19 16:22:03:

Interesting site

From on 2004-05-19 10:14:49:

salut sékou, ça fait plaisir de te voir sur le voudrai bien avoir de tes nouvelles.....
moi je cherche particulierement a joindre laurence Monnier...quequ'un peu m'aider......
année 91-96..
e-mail : [email protected]

From on 2004-05-19 10:09:05:

salut sékou, moi aussi je voudrai bien avoir de tes nouvelles, et celles des autres : de 91 à 96...
je recherche des nouvelles de laurence Monnier....
[email protected]

From on 2004-05-15 16:48:25:

Au collège de 1963 à 1969....3 directeurs Theis, Leenhardt et Gagnier...des "affaires" sombres de rivalités et tensions entre prof. traversées allégrement...6 belles années dont je rêve encore...on ne s'en remets pas d'un passage là bas...ça reste gravé...

From on 2004-05-13 15:59:41:

J'ai apprécié le Collège (et je l'apprécie toujours...) pour les mêmes raisons que tout le monde. C'est un lieu plutôt extraordinaire avec un potentiel qui ne l'est pas moins. J'y étais en tant qu'élève, pion, prof de cours de vac, campeur en chef de qqs camps de travail. Dans mon travail actuel de pédagogue je me "nourris" toujours des lecons apprises là-bas.

Mais je me demande ce qui se passe actuellement parcontre?! Un projet d'établissement dont je lis depuis des années des qu'il verra bientôt le jour, la plupart des internats fermés, un gymnase inpracticable par temps de pluie, une centaine de membres seulement à l'AUCC. Pour une entreprise autre, ce serait l'asphyxie financière irrécupérable. Et je me demande pourquoi l'Actuel directeur parle dans sa dernière lettre du 65ème anniversaire comme d'une "échéance qui approche".

Le vécu, l'histoire et l'âme de ce lieu me passionnent. Mais son avenir et la bilan actuel le font également. Nous, le monde et nos sociétés ont besoin de Cévenols qui vivent.

From on 2004-04-28 03:35:29:


From on 2004-04-26 16:51:25:

What a pleasure to remember all that great years. It was between 1972 and 1977 with the Bean's family, Hollard Family and my all great friends, .... If any of you remind .... keep me in touch

From on 2004-03-27 00:55:18:

Bon, des années 74-79, il n'y a pas grand monde sur ce site mais il s'etoffe... Sommes nous irrémédiablement perdus à la cause informatique? (Sauf notre ami allemand du Kenya dont je ne me souviens plus du nom et qui montait et démontait des "appareils" dans la petite maraque à l'entrée du colcev : là ou les cars nous chargeaient et nous déchargaient pour les vacances -et le pillage en règle du Jacques Borel de l'autoroute A6 vers Paris-)
Ai envoyé qqs nouvelles directement à MONSIEUR Lassey. J'ai hâte de savoir qui est encore vivant. Françoise Morisot l'était il y a 5 ou 6 ans. Pas de news depuis. Quid des autres? Les concerts de JAMMA? Etoffez ce site, quoi! sans tomber dans une nostalgie dégoulinante, il y a eu quelques bons moments dont la giffle "enlève tes lunettes" de Monsieur Galland à Tony S. (et malgré l'arrivée de la Sodexho à Luquet)
Emmanuel Chabry

From on 2004-03-19 05:06:50:

um, i stumbled on this page when i typed my own name and hit search. I don't seem to see any further mention of me?

From on 2004-03-15 21:16:12:


From on 2004-03-10 04:25:23:

hi!!! i was student during 1998-2001 and i am searching for karen bentley... so karen where are you???

From on 2004-02-21 12:52:00:

Message à tous les anciens


Le College fete son 65 eme anniversaire le week-end de la Pentecote.
Vous y etes tous attendus.
Vous pouvez consulter le site du College
Vous pouvez adherer à l ‘ association de anciens du College Cevenol

Benoit DANSE pour l ‘ AACC

From on 2004-02-16 14:51:36:

I just recently re-discovered my diary from my years at le college (1967-1969)and I read it again last night. Then I found this great website today and I am having so much fun reading it. I lived in Milflor and then with M/M Bernard & Yvette Galland & their children Mariane, Veronique, Christophe & Founette for my last year (1969). I would love to hear from anyone that was there during those years - especially those who knew me! Take care & peace! Kim SCHUTTE Holbrook

From on 2004-02-08 15:22:27:

I am thinking of sending my 18 year old son for a post graduate term in the fall. I would like to make contact with an american who recently attended the lycee and get their feedback.
Thank you
M Delage

From on 2004-01-31 01:38:18:

I remember the nice years (1965-1970) I spent at the CC. I'm really bad now (I am painter) and trying to survive between Paris and Manhattan!
Having a show in March in Soho...
I still keep contacts with Jef Geoffroy (now living in Norway), Eric Bierens de Haan(Geneva),Francois Gagnier(Sauve).Tu te souviens encore de nous cher Robert Lassey: tu ne voulais pas croire qu'a la patisserie du Chambon il y avait des "congolais" a deguster !

From on 2003-12-21 09:27:11:


Une petite idée : peut etre pourriez vous parler du 65 eme anniversaire de College organisé le week end de la Pentecote 2004

From on 2003-11-26 18:56:02:

I have put together a complementary site to organize a gathering of the alumni to celebrate the 65th anniversary of CC. Would you add this temporary link to your site so that others are aware of the festivities? Thanks.

From on 2003-11-04 18:48:26:

I along with my brother Lachlan attended College Cevenol Cours de Vacances in 1975, Camp de Travail summers of 76,77, and 78. I then spent two trimesters in 1979 along with my younger brother John Allan (he spent another 6 months there in 1982) so a big family affair. I have great memories and would like to hear from old friends.

From on 2003-10-31 23:16:21:

keep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumukeep off from mumu

From on 2003-10-15 13:17:26:

J'étais élève au Collège de janvier à juin de 1961. J'étais le seul Espagnol en ce moment. Ma barraque était "Bon Koya", et mes copains de chambre, Hervé GAUDIBERT et Alain HAUGUET. J'avais 18 ans. J'aimerais avoir des nouvelles de copains de cet époque là, si lointaine. Je remercie aux amis Americains d'avoir crée ce magnifique guestbook. Dans la classe de Français Spécial il y avait des Americains et c'était très amussant nous entendre reciter les poèmes de Verlaine avec nos "accents terribles" respectifs.
Mes souvenirs pour tous.

From on 2003-10-08 12:35:35:

J'étais au collége entre 1973 et 1977. Que sont devenus Olivier NYKERK, Christine MOULAY ???

From on 2003-10-07 11:18:03:

En parcourant les différent e mail c'est avec bonheur que j'ai reconnu des noms . J'étais au collège de 59 a 1964 ,que de bon souvenirs , au plaisir de pouvoir dialoguer avec vous PIERRE

From on 2003-09-29 14:57:48:

I'm a little stimied...
I was there between 1957 and 1960, still surviving and still happy to had this experience.

Je me souviens tres bien des Sanum, mais de bien d'autres encore.
Ami calmant

From on 2003-09-09 00:47:36:

I attended le College during the 1973/74 academic year. That year will always have a special place in my heart. It was truly one of the most formative in my entire life.

I'm thinking about sending my 13-year-old daughter to le College in a year or two.

From on 2003-09-05 12:37:24:

keep off oooooooooooooooooooo

From Robert Lassey on 2003-09-01 15:15:00:

Oh § vous avez compris que j'y fus élève!!!

From on 2003-09-01 13:15:37:

Je suis devenu directeur de ce collège qui m'avait accueilli comme élèves, surveillant, professeur.
Merci à vous tous et donnez-nous de vos nouvelles.

From on 2003-08-30 23:22:30:

We have been at the Cevenol from year 1974 until 1976. We would love to have news from our then classmates, teachers and all. We have kept a close relationship with a few. Those were definitively important and fondly remembered years (we were young, yes?).
Nous nous sommes rencontrés au Cevenol en 1975 et avons été lycéens jusqu'en 1976. Nous serions heureux de reprendre contact avec les anciens de cette époque tumultueuese et finallement joyeuse (nous sommes restés proches de quelques uns). A bientôt de vous lire.

From on 2003-08-28 07:18:06:

interne de 83 à 86
le college cevenol est un trés grand souvenir et plus que cela encore.

From on 2003-08-14 00:54:36:

Eleve au Collège de 1966 à 1973. Ca fait donc 30 ans que j'ai passé le bac. Je vis à présent en Suède avec Peter et la petite Vichitra, 8 ans.
Vous avez peut-être eu mon père Shanti à l'internat ou ma mère Superna en anglais. Je garde de tres bons souvenirs des cours de vacances organisés par Bernard Galland, Mr et Mme Cole et des camps de travail où j'ai rencontré des Yougoslaves de diverses origines ethniques qui venaient ensemble. Bien le bonjour aux anciens du Collège. Et merci pour le site.

From on 2003-07-25 10:32:12:

J'y étais, de 1962 à 1966. Une expérience très riche, à laquelle je pense très souvent.

From on 2003-07-18 03:23:39:


From on 2003-06-04 01:50:14:

Moi aussi, j'y étais! 1983/85
Salut à toi Julie, et à tous les autres!

From on 2003-06-01 17:47:24:

Good Job and I hope you will help me to find my first Finish love ( Anina Hertell alias Annukka / international section )I've met during thoses unreal years ( 1991/1994 ).
Merci pour votre chef d'oeuvre et l'eventuel coup de main précieux que vous allez peut etre pouvoir me donner.Je cherche depuis plus de huit ans la trace de Anina Hertell alias Annukka qui fut mon premier amour finlandais en section bac international pendant ces années la, merci.

From on 2003-03-12 23:00:12:

Hi Tito! I've never seen France but certainly the College would be on my required to-see list. This web site is very useful for sharing and info.

From on 2003-02-15 14:06:22:

Hi! I was a student at the summer school language course in the summer of 1968. I had a wonderful time and met great people. I also developed by great strides in my French language skills and personal confidence. I remember spending alot of time singing Beatles songs on our various hikes and adventures. By the way my name back then was Peggy Jensen, I still go by Peg. I am a physician, Family Practice, and married to a Presbyterian pastor, who I met during a year abroad study in Japan. We have a 17 y/o daughter who is a total Beatles fan. My how things come around again! Once again we are praying hard for peace amid much tension and danger in the world. May we all work and pray together that peace based on justice, opportunity, mercy and compassion for all may prevail. I am grateful to College Cevenol for the contribution it has made to cross-cutural and international friendships and understanding.

From on 2002-11-19 18:11:26:


From on 2002-10-31 06:27:57:

it is my pleasure to see a happy life. my commitment is therefore to ensure peace within my environment.

From [email protected] on 2002-10-25 03:45:29:


guy men keep off

Thanks for the website. I was a student at the College in 1965-66, a moniteur in 1969.

doctor mugu

From Villard on 2002-10-22 08:59:01:

J'adore ce bahut vous me manquez tous merci Lassey, a la prochaine eric

From on 2002-10-12 13:33:00:

I was at College Cevenol for just six short months in 1990, but I remember it fondly. Anyone remember the class trip to Spain? I'd love to reminisce with anyone who remembers that time,

From on 2002-09-27 15:46:18:

bravo pour le site ...que de souvenirs fous en 1969,1970,1971...c'est là que je vais souvent me ressourcer et faire rêver mes quatre enfants...à bien tôt...

From on 2002-09-27 12:55:19:

1974-79 Chôssur, Bibi... Les Baderiens dans la Coursière. Le Bayern qui écrase Les Verts. Un Kubelwagen et un R16TX blanche, un "Hotel California" en boucle au Coko's. Kawik. Deux sangliers remis dans les bois. Milflor pour le Club de discussions et le Chaperon Rouge. Merci d'envoyer quelques news à Blondinnet ou Marquis, c'est selon.

From on 2002-09-22 06:56:08:

Juste un petit bonjour de philippe aux copains et copines qui étaient au collège en 1982/83(seconde3)et en 1983/84 (1ère G). N'hésitez pas en entrer en contact avec moi si vous vous rappelez du bon temps passé ensemble.

From on 2002-09-02 18:29:02:

Great to see the guestbook. Too bad there was nobody I knew. I attended the cours de vacances
in the 70's, annee scolaire '74-'75, and was at
the camp de travail in '77 and again in '78. I
deeply regret losing touch with my friends there.

From on 2002-08-09 03:53:11:

Hello again.Kristin from Norway, student at Cevenol in 85/86, calling students from that year. I remember especially Nathalie,Marlene, Sopha, Janet Sedlar and of course Paul.Anyone who remembers me?

From on 2002-08-09 02:08:12:

Hello.I am so happy I found this homepage. I was a student at Cevenol in 85/86, the only one from Norway until then. I have lots og good memorys from that time,but I`m afraid I have forgot almost all the French I learned. Well, well, I`m still capable of writing in english. Love from Kristin, the girl from Norway.

From on 2002-08-07 00:02:07:

j'ai eu un probleme la premiere fois mai si il ta des gens qui se souvient de shak fu c'est a dire moi sekou n'hesiter pas a m'envoyer un mail ca sera avec un grand plaisir que je renouerais contact.
certains se rappelle de mes soirees et de mon appetit, lol

From on 2002-08-06 23:58:25:

salut a tous j'etais au cavenol de 92 a 96. C'etait terrible des rencontres formidable ainsi qu'une variete d'origines et d'histoire.
beaucoup de basket,

From on 2002-08-06 23:58:24:

salut a tous j'etais au cavenol de 92 a 96. C'etait terrible des rencontres formidable ainsi qu'une variete d'origines et d'histoire.
beaucoup de basket,

From on 2002-08-06 23:58:24:

salut a tous j'etais au cavenol de 92 a 96. C'etait terrible des rencontres formidable ainsi qu'une variete d'origines et d'histoire.
beaucoup de basket,

From on 2002-08-02 02:52:00:

Hi there,
I was at The College in 81/82/83. Great times if a bit chaotic.

Does anyone know what as is Valérie Mangouat doing right now ? Like Billie Holiday used to sing : it's easy to remember, but so hard to forget...

From on 2002-07-23 15:29:56:

it's nice to see so many lives touched by College Lycee Cevenol!
very nice job on this website!
i attended cevenol 1990 (where i was known as "julie , l'americaine") and then again as a volunteer in the workcamp in 1995 (i think) where i met tito craig and chris young. Hello! remember me???
i have great memeories from all my days at cevenol and in Le Chambon!!! does the shortcut to town over the wall and under the trees still exsist? Warm greetings to those who might remember me, and Hello to all others!

From on 2002-07-10 03:10:21:

J'étais au chambon en terminale C durant l'année 85-86.
J'y ai appris à me responsabiliser et à travailler avec les autres.
De mémorables moments sportifs et autres... ont aussi marqué cette année.
Bonjour à ceux qui me reconnaîtront et aux autres.
PS : je crois qu'on m'appelait "rochy" à l"époque.
à bientôt de vos nouvelles...

From on 2002-06-27 06:13:18:

Au college en 89-91 et j'aimerais avoir de ceux qui se souviennent de moi.
Je vous embrasse

From on 2002-06-27 02:37:04:

J'ai passé au Collége Cévenol la seule année de ma vie scolaire qui m'ai réélement apportée quelque chose. J'y étais, en seconde, en 70/71 ou peut-être l'année suivante (je ne me souviens plus trés bien). Pendant l'été précédent, j'avais suivi les cours de rattrapage scolaire; arrivé bon dernier en math, j'en suis ressortis bon premier 3 semaines plus tard : une experience unique. Si des amis(es) de ce temps passent par là (Rachel, partie fachée sans que je sache pourquoi et que je n'ai plus revue, ...), un petit coucou me ferait grand plaisir.

From on 2002-06-24 16:21:55:

I was in the College Cevenol from 1994 to 1995.
My best memories !


From on 2002-06-11 20:21:34:

I have been at the cevenol from 1994 to 1999. I will never forget those years.
I did a website for cevenol's alumni. Come check it: . If you are alumni send me an email to register. If you are looking for friends from the cevenol check that page:
Hope to meet people from the cevenol. you can also contact me with msn messenger [email protected]
A bientot

From on 2002-06-03 17:01:31:

Bonjour, j'ai passé de merveilleuses années au Collège, de 1960 à 1964, j'aimerai avoir des nouvelles de ceux qui y étaient à cette période... à bientôt

From on 2002-06-03 17:01:16:

Bonjour, j'ai passé de merveilleuses années au Collège, de 1960 à 1964, j'aimerai avoir des nouvelles de ceux qui y étaient à cette période... à bientôt

From on 2002-02-07 00:56:58:

j'ai ete eleve du cevenol pendant environ 6mois et ce furent les 6 meilleurs mois de scolarité de toute ma vie, les gens que jai rencontrer la bas , je ne les oublierais jamais, et entre nous jamais dans un autre lycée on sest autant dechirer et on a aussi peut glander , mais ca nempeche pas les beaux souvenirs.Alors special dedicace a CARLITO , MOMO. FEIGNASSE . SEKOO . DJAFF . MOB . MENDO . POLO . BOBO...ET TOUS LES AUTRES OUF AVEC QUI ON A PLANER PENDANT CES 6 MOIS ! SEE YOU NEXT TIME.....


From on 2002-02-02 07:25:10:

I was a student in the 63-4 annee scolaire and am now President of the American Friends of the College Cevenol. I am very happy to see alums of the school year, summer school and work camp are eager to stay in touch with one another... We send out newsletters about our own Board meetings, visits to the College and its board meetings... We seek people who want to be involved with the College -- as donors to its scholarship programs and as donors to its program of debt payoff. The AFCC itself exists due to generous volunteer energy and we would like to know if there are those who would be interested in attending our board meetings in NY (first Friday in Nov.) or DC (April 20th this year). It is quite exhilarating to meet fellow College enthusiasts from the years 1947-2002 at our meetings and compare stories! Tito Craige

From on 2002-01-27 05:11:31:

J'y étais ! 1983 / 1985

From on 2002-01-15 08:17:19:

Eléve en 1985-86. Que ceux qui me connaissent me fassent un petit mail pour reprendre contact. Amicalement.

From on 2002-01-06 01:33:29:

student from 1963 to 1966. I'm the author of the logo of the collège, now I teach art to young pupils near orleans loiret, france

From on 2001-12-05 14:45:21:

J'etais au college les annees 85-91 et j'aimerais avoir des nouvelles de tout le monde!
This site looks great and is much more interactive than the official CC site. Have been swamped with work but promise to participate virtually in the AFCC in 2002. Sorry Anne!

From on 2001-10-19 14:45:25:

In 1970 and 71 My family lived at l"Accueil Fraternal" where my parents studied french before moving on to Congo as Prebyterian missionaries. My brother and I were "day" students at the college and the experience is forever in our hearts and memories. I would love to hear from some of the students from that era.

From on 2001-10-02 07:24:14:

j'étais en 1991 en 3ème, j'aimerais avoir des nouvelles des gens de cette année-là

From on 2001-09-11 13:05:16:

student au College in 1961-62

From on 2001-08-24 12:06:15:

Thanks for the website. I was a student at the College in 1965-66, a moniteur in 1969.

I'll check back for news at the website and would appreciate information on whatever alumni listing or group exists.

Many thanks,

Philip Barnard
Director of Graduate Studies
Department of English
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045-2115

785-864-2522 / 785-864-2518

From on 2001-08-02 12:02:43:

Typo goof! I KNOW better: par-dessus le toit... Doug

From on 2001-08-02 11:58:23:

As I said above, the first time I wrote something, it was shut down. During the second writing, I completely forgot to mention that, during the Cours de Langues '52, I was very much touched by Rev. and Mrs. Theis and their accounts of the work they did to help save the Jews in World War II. In addition, their daughter Jeanne, in our French class, taught me my first French poem, and one of my favorite ones, Verlaine's "En Prison" : "Le ciel est, par-dessis le toit, si bleu, si calme..." I could go on and on, but I had to add these comments to my previous ones. Thanks, C. C., for everything! Doug

From on 2001-08-02 11:19:36:

This is my second try! (Something shut me down on my last word last time!)
I am an alumnus of the 1952 Cours de Langues and was also the "moniteur américain" for the Cours de Langues in 1958. (My sister and brother-in-law met at the Cours de Langues in 1956, and were married five year later.) I was in Europe this past month and one of the people I visited was Philip ("Phloep") Kohnstamm, also an alumnus of the 1952 Cours de Langues. I would like to re-establish 49- and 43-year-old ties with any other alums of the '52 and/or the '58 Cours de Langues, particularly Adrien Barbey, Grad de Graff, Jan Spoor, and the Bodenhorsts (brother and sister) from the '52 Cours de Langues. I would appreciate it if you could send me any names and addresses from those two groups. This past month, I had so much fun visiting and showing my wife so many of the places I learned about in the trips with Monsieur and Madame Couderc at the end of the Cours de Langues : The 45th Parallel at St. Agrève, Mt. Jerbier de Jonc (and the source of the Loire River), the Partage des Eaux (Continental Divide), Mt. Ventoux, Orange (and the magnificent performace of Arthur Honniger's "Le Roi David" in the Roman Amphitheatre there), Nîmes, Arles, Les Baux, St. Rémy and Roman Glanum and Van Gogh's room there, etc., etc., etc. I am deeply indebted to the Collège Cévenol for all I got from it (including a FANTASTIC brother-in-law!). As a retired French teacher, I now realize how much I was able to use what I learned at C.C. in my 40-year teaching career. Je compte les bienfaits de Dieu (et du Collège Cévenol) et je vois, combien en le nombre est grand, to paraphrase the grace we used to sing at each meal. Thanks for reading all this, and for sending me anything you may have to answer my request. Doug Halsted (P.S.: When at the collège, I was P. Douglas Halsted, but I had my first name legally changed shortly thereafter, to honor my grandfather and my father.)

From on 2001-07-26 01:52:00:

i was student during 90 - 94 i look for people who was there during this time
and i would like to know if you have a mailing list about the ex student

thanks a lot


From on 2001-06-06 00:33:52:

I attended College Cevenol in the mid sixties and am sure that your treasurer James Marra was there at the same time. If so I would love to hear from him.

By the way it was great seeing photographs of the school.

From on 2001-06-04 07:12:30:

Nice Site. Shame the "official" site hasn't been updated for over a year (!)
Would have loved to come for the Pentecote weekend, but didn't know about it. How can I get on some kind of email/mail list? I was au college, from January 1984 to June 1986. I do have lots of questions I couldn't find the answers to on your site (but I am a bit mentally challenged so maybe just didn't find them!) like who is director today? Are some of my prof still there? (I have noticed Mr Lassey's name, so he must be. He was our Philo teacher) And les pions? I think some of them from my time (the time of the greeks, of course) are still there (!) won't comment on this!) And so many more questions unanswered... Please reply to me.

Thanks a lot.


From on 2001-03-22 10:32:35:

The AACC (association des Anciens du Collège Cevenol) organise a very big meeting the 2&3 June
2001 in le Chambon.Please come
We also want to extand the member list and many other projects.
Please contact me or [email protected]

Congratulation for your site

Benoit DANSE

From on 2001-03-22 10:27:58:

Member of the AACC (Association des Ancien du College Cevenol) we organise a meeting the 2 & 3
of June 2001, that is the Pentecote week end.
We also intend to extand the association with new members.
Contact me or [email protected] for more information

From on 2001-03-14 21:05:35:

I had no idea that the A.F.C.C. existed. Looking for people who were at the Collefe in 1990-1991.

From on 2001-01-05 11:00:16:

congratulations ! Hope to have news from american friends who stayed here from 09/1964 to 06/1965.

From Louise Theis on 2000-12-08 14:14:59:

Very interesting site!

From on 2000-12-02 14:32:48:

It looks good!

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