Application Requirements for Summer School

The dates for this year's Summer School are: August 2 - 14, 2004.

The application process for the Collège Cévenol Summer School is as follows:

1. Return the APPLICATION FORM directly to Cecile Remington along with the MEDICAL FORM, signed to authorize emergency surgery. Include immunization records and the name/policy of a health insurance provider. Health insurance must be valid overseas.

2. A PERSONAL LETTER from the applicant describing his/her background, interests and reasons for wanting to attend. Please include a photograph.

3. TWO LETTERS OF REFERENCE, one from a French teacher and one from another teacher or adult who has known the applicant through an experience outside the family.

4. An OFFICIAL SCHOOL TRANSCRIPT. It should include whatever grades have been received at the time of application.

5. An APPLICATION FEE of $35 payable by check to the American Friends of College Cevenol, Inc.

Tuition, room, and board plus optional payments (chartered bus transportation from Paris or Lyon) are due July 1 by bank check payable directly to Collège Cévenol in French francs.

Please send all application materials by MAY 1 to:
Cecile Remington
1034 N. Edgewood St. #1
Arlington, VA 22201


Links to International Work Camps and Summer Schools:

Fellowship Of Reconciliation

Break Away

American Jewish Society of Service

Since 22 Oct 2000