Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: How much French is needed?
    For the summer school, most American students are of high school age, 14-18 with at least two years of French. For the work camp, the participants should be 18 or over and interested in working hard with an international team of young adults. Students younger than 14 do better if they are bilingual. Exceptions can be made.

    Q: What do I bring?
    Dress is informal. Slacks, jeans, and shorts are fine. Girls should bring one skirt. Be sure to bring warm clothing. The altitude brings cold nights like early summer in Maine. You'll need your own towels and sports clothing. If desired, bring your own arts materials and your musical instrument. Leave other valuables at home. The Collège cannot be responsible for cameras, radios, tape-recorders, etc. unless they're deposited with the Administration. Funds (1000 Francs minimum) for pocket money, or medical expenses, must be depoited at the School. Unused funds will be returned.

    Q: How do I get to Cévenol?
    Overseas students fly to Paris or Lyon where chartered busses bring them to the school and return them.

    Q: What about health insurance?
    All students must have valid health insurance coverage during their whole stay at Cévenol.

Since 22 Oct 2000